How to Resolve the “Permission Denied” Error While Using SCP on Google Cloud

As a data scientist or software engineer working with large datasets on Google Cloud, you may frequently use the Secure Copy (SCP) command to transfer files between instances. However, encountering the “Permission Denied” error can be frustrating. This error occurs when you lack the necessary permissions to read or write files on the destination instance. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore various solutions to fix this error and successfully transfer files using SCP on Google Cloud.

Understanding SCP

SCP, or Secure Copy, is a secure file transfer protocol that utilizes SSH (Secure Shell) for encryption and authentication. It allows you to securely transfer files between two remote hosts. SCP is commonly used for transferring large datasets between instances on Google Cloud. Before we delve into solutions for the “Permission Denied” error, let’s first understand the syntax of the SCP command.

The basic syntax of SCP is as follows:

scp [options] [source] [destination]

Here, [options] represents the various options that can be used with the SCP command. [source] represents the file or directory you want to transfer, and [destination] represents the location where you want to transfer the file to. The [destination] can be either a remote host or a local directory.

Causes of the “Permission Denied” Error

When encountering the “Permission Denied” error while using SCP on Google Cloud, it indicates that you lack the necessary permissions to read or write files on the destination instance. Several causes can lead to this error:

  1. Incorrect file permissions on the destination instance.
  2. Incorrect ownership of the destination directory or file.
  3. Insufficient permissions for the user running the SCP command.

Solution for the “Permission Denied” Error

To resolve the “Permission Denied” error while using SCP on Google Cloud, you need to ensure that you have the necessary permissions to read or write files on the destination instance. Let’s explore the steps to fix this error:

Step 1: Check File Permissions on Destination Instance

Start by checking the file permissions on the destination instance. Log in to the destination instance using SSH and navigate to the directory where you want to transfer the file. Run the following command to list all files and directories along with their permissions:

ls -l

Ensure that the directory where you want to transfer the file has the write permission for the user running the SCP command. If the directory lacks write permission, you can add it by running the following command:

chmod +w [directory_name]

Replace [directory_name] with the name of the directory where you want to transfer the file.

Step 2: Check Ownership of Destination Directory

Next, check the ownership of the destination directory by running the following command:

ls -ld [directory_name]

This command will display the ownership and permissions of the directory. Ensure that the directory is owned by the user running the SCP command. If the directory is owned by a different user, you can change the ownership by running the following command:

sudo chown [username] [directory_name]

Replace [username] with the username of the user running the SCP command, and [directory_name] with the name of the directory where you want to transfer the file.

Step 3: Use the Correct SSH Key

Finally, ensure that you are using the correct SSH key to connect to the destination instance. If you are using a different SSH key, you may not have the necessary permissions to read or write files on the destination instance. To check the SSH key you are using, run the following command:

ssh-add -l

This command will display the fingerprint of the SSH key you are currently using. Ensure that the fingerprint matches the SSH key authorized on the destination instance. If the fingerprint does not match, add the correct SSH key to your SSH agent by running the following command:

ssh-add [path_to_ssh_key]

Replace [path_to_ssh_key] with the path to the SSH key you want to add.


In this guide, we have discussed how to fix the “Permission Denied” error while using SCP on Google Cloud. We explored the causes of this error and provided a step-by-step solution to resolve it. By following these steps, you should be able to successfully transfer files using SCP on Google Cloud without encountering the “Permission Denied” error. Remember to ensure proper file permissions, ownership, and SSH key authentication to avoid any permission-related issues during SCP transfers.

Remember, when using SCP on Google Cloud, it is crucial to have the necessary permissions and correct configurations to ensure secure and successful file transfers. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can overcome the “Permission Denied” error and efficiently transfer files between instances. Happy file transferring on Google Cloud!

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